Version 1.3.2 of our Novashare WordPress plugin was released on June 30, 2022.
Changelog summary
- Added new novashare_pin_button_text filter.
- Added new novashare_total_share_count_text_plural and novashare_total_share_count_text_singular filters.
- Added new novashare_follow_network_link filter.
- Added new novashare_inline_excluded_filters filter.
- Added compatibility with SEOPress when using our open graph tags.
- Added fallback to featured image when using open graph and no post-specific meta image is set.
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Disable Pinning toggle on image blocks to be switched on by default in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where the default meta image would be prioritized over the featured image in open graph if no other meta details were set.
- Made an adjustment to popup window dimensions triggered by Pinterest image pins.
- Added filter integration with Perfmatters for better compatibility with Remove Unused CSS feature when running both plugins.
- Updated EDD plugin updater class to version 1.9.2.
- Translation file updates.