Version 1.7.5 of our Perfmatters WordPress plugin was released on July 13, 2021.
Changelog summary
- Added new custom login URL options to change the Disabled Behavior and set a custom Message.
- Migrated CDN, Analytics, and Extras tab data to separate sections in the Options tab for better organization and easier access.
- CDN rewrite improvements to better handle sites with multiple domain URLs.
- Regex adjustments to Local Fonts function for better reliability.
- Added exclusion checks to individual <source> tags when using WebP images.
- Added function to disable capital_P_dangit filter.
- Fixed a lazy loading warning that was showing in Microsoft Edge.
- Removed loading attribute that was getting applied to <picture> tags in some cases when using WebP images.
- Plugin UI navigation performance improvements.
- Plugin UI style fixes.
- Added a conditional check to only show WooCommerce options when WooCommerce is installed and activated.
- Fixed an MU Mode issue where the Home URL did not trigger a match if a query string was present.
- Fixed an issue where the Customizer was getting certain optimizations applied.
- Fixed an issue where the Disable Embeds toggle was interfering with responsive video styles.
- Script Manager UI fixes.
- Updated uninstall function to remove Perfmatters cache folder.
- Added readme.txt file.
- Bumped up minimum PHP version requirement to 7.0+.